Monday, October 18, 2021

The World Wide Web

 For my Each One Teach One, or EOTO, project, I chose to present the evolution and history of Emoticons and Emojis. After listening and watching everyone's presentations, I chose to read up on and review The World Wide Web presentation by Cj Vagnone. This was a very interesting and fun subject to learn about because I had no idea how new some of these ideas and developments were. The internet is clearly a new and adventurous place with new laws being set often and plentiful inventions being introduced regularly.

As Cj's blog post and presentation stated, the "World Wide Web," or WWW, was the first web browser ever created. It was made in 1990 and was established by Tim Berners-lee. Tim Berners-lee was also the creator of Hyper Text Markup, or HTML, and Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP. Both of these inventions are continuously in use today. HTML is used in order for each website to have its own URL. HTTP is used to retrieve linked websites and move across the internet. The WWW was eventually renamed to "Nexus." The first graphical web browser to run on Windows was called "Cello." It was created by a Cornell Law student and was created in 1992. It was not released, however, until 1993. Later that year, a new software came out that was able to produce a picture alongside of text. This was so impressive because previously, the software would download pictures or text by themselves in order to show them.

Internet Explorer was the main browser and software in use for many years. It did not have much competition until the early 2000's. In 2004, the game began to change with Mozilla Firefox being released. Its browser was released in order to bring security and make it more viable as well as being faster than other browsers. 2008, however, was the release of the biggest browser known today, Google Chrome. Google Chrome was a big deal at the time because it was the first browser to introduce multiple tabs. This was very relevant because tabs could crash or be closed and the browser would still be up and running.

Tim Berners-lee

The advancements in these softwares and the internet itself is such a crazy concept. It is astonishing that the first browser to introduce multiple tabs was only 13 years ago. At this point, it is expected. Browsers and softwares have enhanced so much so quickly. Browsers now are so much more of an improvement than downloading pictures and text.

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